Gregory J. Tobin
President and CEO of Biological Mimetics, Inc.,
Gregory J. Tobin, PhD, President and CEO of Biological Mimetics, Inc., Frederick, MD, USA
Dr. Tobins is an experienced vaccinologist with expertise in virology, molecular biology and immunology.As the CEO of BMI, Dr. Tobin has been the PI or scientific lead on over 30 sponsored projects including multiple vaccine and diagnostic programs. BMI is currently developing an improved polio vaccine, ultraI PVR, towards an IND application and novel MRSA and Acinetobacter baumannii vaccines through discovery phases. The three vaccine candidates utilize a powerful antioxidant complex which protects exterior epitopes from damage during UVC inactivation. The complex, MDP, recapitulates manganese-peptide-phosphate complexes that accumulate in radioresistant bacteria, such as Deinococcus radiodurans to protect DNA repair enzymes during ionizing radiation and desiccation. The inactivation process is completed in seconds, is highly scalable, and results in higher potency compared to chemical inactivation due to its protection of immunogenic epitopes.
Prior to joining BMI in 1999, Dr. Tobin was a Senior Scientist and led the Gene Expression/Regulation laboratory at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick MD where he focused on vaccines and animal models of AIDS and other human diseases. Dr. Tobin earned his PhD at the University of Florida on poliovirus replication and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Pittsburgh and the NCI on transgenic models of human cancer, virology, and vaccines.